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What happens if robots take the jobs?

I will discuss the interesting points in this article, the major points which will discuss. The emerging technologies talked about in the report, which one do I believe a high potential of taking over people’s jobs? Why do I think so, which one do I believe the lowest potential of taking over people’s jobs? What are my reasons, and how have some, or all of these emerging technologies impacted our life? These impacts can be positive, negative, or both.

I believe a high potential of taking over people’s jobs, it is robots. I think that because robots become part of our life, robots can do routines jobs instead of human and the researcher in this area work on making these robots smarter and making decisions like a human, I think this is not easy but in the future, the robots will able to do a lot of jobs more than today. In the future, robots will become in our home. Robots can do some jobs faster than humans and more accurately than humans.

Center for Technology Innovation reported in its article “In 2013, for example, there were an estimated 1.2 million robots in use. This the total rose to around 1.5 million in 2014 and is projected to increase to about 1.9 million in 2017.5 Japan has the largest number with 306,700, followed by North America (237,400), China (182,300), South Korea (175,600), and Germany (175,200). Overall, robotics is expected to rise from a $15 billion sector now to $67 billion by 2025” (West, 2015, p.2).

I picked some examples which show robots can do it, “In Japan, there is a new hotel called Henn-na that uses robots to check people in and escort guests to their rooms. The robotic receptionist speaks Japanese or English, depending on the preferences of the guest” (West, 2015, p.3).

I believe the lowest potential of taking over people’s jobs, it is not easy to choose one but I think the lowest potential is autonomous vehicles. Although autonomous vehicle’s researchers try to enter new techies, although I think to make vehicles make decisions these need a lot of time and improving this area depend on Machine Learning, algorithms and computer vision so, make improvements in the autonomous vehicle have a relationship with improving algorithms and machine learning techies. On another hand, we need to ask ourselves questions will these autonomous cars replace public transformation, will it become safety, will it able to make right decisions like a human, and do the roads ready for them (Eichenholz, 2018).

Emerging technologies impacted our life

There are many positive impacts on the level of the workforce, these emerging technologies will increase the jobs result for that the market needs a lot of employees who have specific skills such as in machine learning area today required peoples with strong skills in problem-solving, critical thinking, strong stoneware engineering, adult mathematical skills, and strong research skills.

In the health area, these emerging technologies “allowing researchers to better understand genetic diseases through the use of predictive models” (Elite data science, 2018, para.8), discovering diseases early which effort on people’s health and making your lives more health.

Augmented reality in education, we able to use augmented reality to simulation some scientific experiments and exploring the space, I use an application to define stars that I see in the sky. And we can follow some natural phenomena without a telescope.

There are some negative impacts, these technologies will be a negative effect on society’s social intelligence, digital responsibility reported “Too much time interacting with technology and too little time interacting with humans at the same room can lead to some serious social difficulties. For instance, girls ages 8 to 12 who spend a lot of time-consuming media and attempting to multitask report lower self-esteem and more difficulty socializing compared to their less media-driven peers, according to a study by Stanford researchers” (Digital, n.d, para.1).



Eichenholz.J. (2018, April 4). Driverless cars are already here but the roads aren’t ready for them. The conversation.  Retrieved from:

Elite data science. (2018, August 23). 15 Ways Machine Learning Will Impact Your Everyday Life. Retrieved from:

Digital responsibility. (n.d). Technology and Deficits in Social Skills. Retrieved from:

West, D.M. (2015). What happens if robots take the jobs? The impact of emerging technologies on employment and public policy.  Center for Technology Innovation at Brookings.  Retrieved from:


